Nausea & Vomiting in Pregnancy

Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy

Many women feel nauseated in the early weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the rise in hormone levels. Usually, this symptom will disappear near the beginning of the 2nd trimester or around 12 weeks. However, for some women, this problem may continue through the pregnancy.

Nausea can often be treated with simple strategies:

      • Eat small, frequent meals every 2-3 hour. Never let your stomach completely empty.

      • Eat before getting out of bed in the morning. Place some crackers next to the bed.

      • Avoid quick movements. Get out of bed slowly.

      • Choose foods that may settle the stomach such as breads, crackers or cereal.

      • Avoid foods that are greasy or have a lot of fat.

      • Avoid foods that have strong smells or tastes such as spicy or salty foods.

      • Ginger tea, ginger ale, ginger snaps or ginger lozenges may help reduce nausea.

      • Either very warm or very cool foods or drinks can also settle the stomach.

      • Make sure you are staying hydrated. If you can not keep down solid food, try drinking fruit juice, sports drinks, decaffeinated sodas, icees or popsicles.

      • Avoid triggers: Certain smells or movements can bring on nausea.

      • Peppermint oils or other pleasant smells may reduce nausea.

      • Acupressure wrist bands may work for some women.

      • B6 supplements 50mg one to three times a day.

Daily vomiting may cause you to loose weight. If you are experiencing frequent nausea and vomiting, talk to your health care provider. There are prescription medications that can help.

If you are unable to keep down liquids, you may become fatigued or exhausted due to dehydration. When this occurs, it is sometimes necessary to be rehydrated in a hospital setting. Call your health care provider right away if your nausea or vomiting is severe.

Cyndi Ayoub, WHNP

April 19, 2011